Legend has it that the solar system was formed over 4.6 billion years ago, however, various scientists contest that no real accurate estimation can be made regarding its formation. The consensus is that a gigantic swirling cloud containing dust and gas formed into the sun, with the remaining matter (around 0.1%) orbiting the sun with it eventually forming into a flat disc shape. The result, was the creation of eight incredible planets all with unique properties, but none as distinct as planet Earth, home to intelligent life and 7.8 billion human beings. Whilst there are many planetary systems in the universe, the Solar System is what we call home and there are still billions of galaxies that are yet to be explored.
Regarding the science of the individual planets in our system, the orbits of the planets are of an elliptic shape with the sun at its focus. Each of the 8 planets and their elliptical orbit can be admired in quite striking detail on this Planets of the Solar System 1kg Silver Coin.
Showcased on the reverse of this uniquely shaped release are 10 naturalistic representations of the sun, the moon, and Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune each with a high-quality colour finish.
Featured on both the reverse and obverse is a space-inspired background providing a sort of cosmic effect on this splendid coin.
This Incredible Legal Tender Release is extremely rare and limited to only 199 coins worldwide.
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